Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Trip down memory lane

I have been going though all my old sketchbooks and came across this:

These scribbles were my ideas for my first ever carving! I am from Greymouth, New Zealand and I grew up looking for 'Greenstone' (Nephrite/Jade/Pounamu) on the beach.
It is incredibly hard to find and pieces are usually small. One year while on a holiday home I decided that I HAD to find a piece for my Aussie boyfriend (soon to be husband in a short 6 months from now!)

To date the piece I found that day is by far the biggest and nicest piece I have ever seen found on the beach. It took me 3 hours to find and I got sunburnt all down my left side - a small price to pay for such an awesome piece!
I cant seem to find any photo of it in its raw state but the shape is drawn at the top of my terrible sketches and it had a fracture line running through it which I had to work around.

At that point I didnt have any diamond burs but had access to the cab room out at Nunawading Lapidary Club.

This was the result which I am still really happy with all these years later.

Sadly I havent done much cutting lately but last year I was lucky enough to shape a piece for Belinda Newick for the 40 year Jam Factory celebrations but that is another story...........

1 comment:

  1. You are an artist. Thank you for sharing this. The world needs more gifted stone workers, the supply of true and lasting beauty will never equal the demand. We all look for it in our lives, but it seems you have found a deep well to draw it from. Its a wonderful thing to see! Art, in it's own subtle splendor. Congratulations!
