Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Falling into place

So it seems like the universe is nudging me in the right direction.
About a week ago I came up with an idea for a bracelet using black tourmaline crystals (side drilled) which I had seen sold in strands a few years ago. The only place I have seen them in Melbourne is hard for me to get too so I have only been there twice.
Anyway..... Yesterday I received a flyer for them in the mail.
They are relocating (to an even harder to get to place *sad face*) but having a massive sale before they move! Will be making the effort to get there for the sale and crossing my fingers they still stock the tourmaline! Feeling very positive they will have them and if not I am sure I will find something equally inspiring :)

This is what I am hunting

Another awesome coincidence is this:

For the last few days that topic is pretty much all I have been researching online trying to get a solid plan in place. As well as this lecture/talk being exactly what I need right now I also have a day in lieu I need to use at work - so I can take the day off to attend it!! Saturdays off for me are extremely rare so this is extra special.

The people running the above lecture are Northcity4 and they run many workshops and rent out bench/studio space. Check them out!

Now....to make the ring I have dreamed up to take along to the class....


  1. Sounds like things are about to happen. Looking forward to some of your finished works.

  2. Thank you Mr or Misses Anonymous :)
    I am looking forward to posting some pictures too!
    Working on a ring set with a section of aquamarine crystal as well as a silver bracelet with the Green Man motif at the moment.
